

Mineralization characteristics and exploration progress of germanium resources in Chinese coal

  • 摘要: 锗作为一种典型的稀散元素和重要的战略性金属矿产,广泛应用于光电、半导体、化工等领域,对锗资源勘查和开发显得尤为重要。在特定的地质作用下,煤中可以高度富集锗,煤中锗是锗金属的重要来源,我国的煤中锗矿具有典型的资源优势,主要分布在云南和内蒙古,如云南临沧、内蒙古乌兰图嘎和伊敏煤田五牧场矿区。本文分析了中国煤中锗的资源分布和勘查现状,结合国内外典型煤中锗矿剖析,介绍了国内外大型−超大型煤中锗矿的发现过程,总结了不同类型的煤中锗矿的勘查技术方法和找矿经验。我国典型煤中锗矿中锗富集与热液活动、成岩作用等地质过程密切相关,但不同地区煤中锗的赋存及富集特征显示出差异性。相对于煤层,锗在煤中分布极不稳定,对于富锗煤的勘查,在多年的勘查实践中已经找到一些以钻探为主的技术手段,但是如何更为高效的开展煤中锗的勘查,需要进一步探索。未来有望通过包括地球化学勘查、地质模型构建和资源评价等的技术创新,推动煤中锗的高效勘查与开发利用,为新兴产业的发展提供资源保障。


    Abstract: Germanium, as a typical scarce element and important strategic metal, is widely used in fields such as optoelectronics, semiconductors, and chemicals. The exploration and development of germanium resources are therefore of great significance. Under specific geological processes, germanium can be highly enriched in coal, making coal an important source of germanium. In China, germanium-bearing coal resources are notably advantageous and are primarily distributed in regions such as Lincang in Yunnan, and the Wumuchang mining area in the Ulan Tuha and Yimin coalfields of Inner Mongolia. This paper analyzes the resource distribution and exploration status of germanium in Chinese coal, and, in conjunction with the analysis of typical coal germanium deposits both domestically and internationally, introduces the discovery processes of large to super-large coal-based germanium deposits. The paper summarizes exploration techniques and prospecting experiences for different types of coal germanium deposits. Germanium enrichment in typical Chinese coal deposits is closely related to geological processes such as hydrothermal activity and diagenesis. However, the occurrence and enrichment characteristics of germanium in coal show regional variations. Compared to coal seams, the distribution of germanium in coal is highly unstable. For the exploration of germanium-rich coal, drilling-based techniques have been established through years of exploration practice. However, further exploration is needed to improve the efficiency of germanium exploration in coal. In the future, innovations in techniques such as geochemical exploration, geological model construction, and resource evaluation are expected to promote the efficient exploration and development of germanium in coal, providing resource security for emerging industries.


