

Study on deformation zoning of overlying strata and simulation of rock pressure behavior in longwall top coal caving mining

  • 摘要: 目前综放开采是我国特厚煤层安全高效矿井主要的采煤方法,综放开采上覆岩层变形移动规律,直接影响到工作面矿压显现、液压支架选型、放顶煤工艺和参数选择等问题。笔者以耿村煤矿13200综放工作面为工程背景,利用相似模拟试验和理论分析,研究了综放工作面上覆岩层变形移动垮落全过程、覆岩变形分区和矿压显现特征。研究结果表明:①确定出综放工作面上覆存在多层关键层岩层即下位、中位、上位和主关键层。依据关键层垮落失稳特征,将综放开采上覆岩层变形移动全过程划分为4个变形阶段(I、II、III、IV),各变形阶段与不同层位的关键层垮落失稳有关。②综放开采下位关键层垮落失稳以后,随着工作面推进度继续增加,处于裂隙带内的中位、上位和主关键层先后垮落失稳前与其下部岩层出现离层;关键层垮落失稳前,在其下部岩层中形成垮落拱,垮落拱的高度和宽度均与工作面推进度成正相关。③综放工作面上覆各关键层垮落失稳引起超前支承压力的峰值应力集中系数Kmax升高;当下位关键层垮落失稳时,工作面出现“大周期来压”现象,来压步距较大,但来压强度较低;当中位、上位、主关键层垮落时,将引起下位关键层同时垮落,工作面出现“小周期来压”现象,工作面来压步距较小,但来压强度较高。研究结果为耿村煤矿缓倾斜特厚煤层综放开采提供理论基础和技术支撑。


    Abstract: At present, longwall top coal caving (LTCC) mining is main mining method for safety and efficiency mines with extremely-thick coal seam in China. However, the deformation movement law of overlying strata on LTCC face directly affects rock pressure behavior of LTCC face, selection of hydraulic supports, and selection of top coal caving technique and parameters, etc. Based on the engineering background on LTCC face 13200 in Gengcun Coal Mine, using similar simulation test and theoretical analysis, the paper studied the whole process of deformation, movement and caving of overlying strata, their deformation zoning, and the characteristics of rock pressure behavior of LTCC face. The results show that: ① It is determined that there are multi-layer key strata on LTCC face, i.e., the lower, middle, upper and main key strata. According to the collapse instability characteristics of key strata in different layers, the whole process of deformation movement of overlying strata on LTCC face is divided into four deformation stages. Each deformation stage is related to the collapse instability of key stratum in different layers. ② After the collapse instability of the lower key strata in LTCC mining, with the continuous increase of LTCC face advancement, the middle, upper and main key strata in the fractured zone have separated from their lower strata before the collapse instability. Before the collapse of the key strata, the collapse arch is formed in its lower strata, and the height and width of the collapse arch are positively correlated with LTCC face advancing distance. ③ The collapse instability of each key stratum on LTCC face directly causes the peak stress concentration factor Kmax of the front abutment pressure to increase. When the lower key stratum collapses and loses stability, the phenomenon of large periodic weighting occurs on LTCC face, the weighting interval is larger, but the weighting strength is lower; the collapse of the middle and upper key strata or the main key stratum will cause the lower key stratum to collapse at the same time, and the phenomenon of small periodic weighting occurs on LTCC face. The weighting interval is smaller, but the weighting strength is higher. The research conclusions provide theoretical basis and technical supporting for LTCC face with the gently-inclined and extremely-thick coal seam in Gengcun Coal Mine.


