
煤矿地下水库岩石堆积效应对矿井水 悬浮物去除规律研究

Investigation of the suspended solids removal from mine water by the rock accumulation effect in the underground reservoir of coal mines

  • 摘要: 煤矿地下水库为煤炭开采过程中保障水资源的合理利用开辟了一条有效的技术途径。笔者以神东矿区大柳塔煤矿地下水库岩石和矿井水为研究对象,结合矿井水悬浮物去除模拟试验、计算流体力学–有限元分析耦合仿真模拟等研究手段,量化了岩石堆积效应对水体悬浮物去除的影响规律。结果表明:岩石堆积环境能改变矿井水流态特征,产生明显的回流区和低速区,从而延长悬浮物沉降距离,减弱水流的扰动,创造类自由沉降环境;在一定范围内,悬浮物浓度随沉降时间和距离的增加而逐渐减小,第6 m出水口的悬浮物质量浓度为20 mg/L,比初始浓度降低95.7%,且悬浮物稳态沉降时间为5 h,浊度为60 NTU,远小于空白模拟试验的9 h和350 NTU;沉降后悬浮物颗粒的平均径由14.99 µm减小到2.02 µm,比表面积由12.30 m2/g 增加到15.75 m2/g;地下水库对悬浮物的去除作用主要包括过滤作用、沉降作用和吸附作用,使悬浮物沉降时间更短、效果更佳。该研究为煤矿地下水库出水水质特征预测和淤积防控提供理论依据。


    Abstract: The opening of an underground coal mine reservoir provides an effective technical approach to ensure the rational utilization of water resources during mining operations. This study focuses on the rock and mine water of the Daliuta Coal Mine reservoir in the Shendong Mining Area, employing simulation tests for mine water suspended solids removal and a coupling simulation of Fluent-EDEM. The impact of rock accumulation on the removal of suspended solids in water is quantified, revealing that the accumulation environment alters the mine flow state, creates a distinct reflux zone and low-speed zone, extends the sedimentation distance for suspended matter, and reduces water flow disturbance, resulting in a quasi-free sedimentation environment. Within a specific range, the suspended matter concentration gradually decreases with increasing settling time and distance. At the m outlet, the suspended matter concentration is 20 mg/L, a 95.7% reduction from the initial concentration. The steady-state settling time for suspended matter is 5 hours, with a turbidity of 60 NTU, significantly smaller than the 9 hours and 350 NTU observed in the blank simulation test. Post-sedimentation, the average diameter of suspended particles decreases from 14.99 µm to 2.02 µm, while the specific surface area increases from 12.30 m2/g to 15.75 m2/g. The removal of suspended matter from the underground reservoir is primarily through filtration, sedimentation, and adsorption, which results in a shorter sedimentation time and more efficient removal of suspended matter. This research provides a theoretical foundation for predicting effluent quality characteristics and preventing and controlling siltation in coal mine underground reservoirs.


