

Research on Gob-side Entry Retaining Technology Inclined Fully Mechanized Mining Face with Large Mining Height

  • 摘要: 针对急倾斜大采高综采工作面沿空留巷矿压显现剧烈,支护困难等问题,以川煤石洞沟煤矿31111综采工作面为工程背景,采用理论分析、现场监测,得到了31111综采工作面周期来压步距约16.4 m,煤壁前方支承压力影响范围约40 m,明确了31111机巷超前支护距离;结合微震监测三维定位技术,得到了31111综采工作面“三区”(煤壁支承压力影响区约40 m,离层区122-144 m)和“三带”(顶板垮落带0-2 m、裂隙带2-30 m、弯曲下沉带30-96 m)范围,揭示了急倾斜大采高岩层周期性破断规律及 “厂”型移动拱特征,为后续来压预测预报,实施沿空留巷提供数据支撑。基于回采过程中巷道围岩变形及压力分布规律,提出在非断层带采用弓型柔性掩护支架+锚网索联合支护的沿空留巷方法,断层带采用弓型柔性掩护支架+锚网索+矸石胶结充填联合支护的沿空留巷方法。现场工程实践表明,该方法刚柔并举,对采空区垮落矸石有良好的支撑、掩护作用,保障了沿空留巷安全,实现矿山无煤柱安全经济开采。


    Abstract: In order to solve obvious dynamic pressure and support problems of gob-side entry retaining in steeply inclined fully-mechanized mining face with large mining height, taking 31111 fully-mechanized mining face in Shidonggou Coal Mine of Sichuan Coal Group as the research background, through theoretical analysis and field monitoring, the periodic weighting step of 31111 fully mechanized mining face is about 16.4 m, and the influence range of abutment pressure in front of coal wall is about 40 m. The advance support distance of 31111 roadway is defined. Combined with the three-dimensional positioning technology of microseismic monitoring, the range of ' three zones ' ( the influence zone of abutment pressure of coal wall is about 40 m, the separation zone is 122-144 m ) and ' three zones ' ( the caving zone of roof is 0-2 m, the fracture zone is 2-30 m, and the bending subsidence zone is 30-96 m ) of 31111 fully mechanized mining face is obtained, and the periodic fracture law of steeply inclined and large mining height strata and the characteristics of '厂' type moving arch are revealed, which provides data support for subsequent pressure prediction and implementation of gob-side entry retaining. Based on the deformation and pressure distribution law of roadway surrounding rock in the mining process, the method of gob-side entry retaining with bow-shaped flexible shield support + anchor net cable combined support is proposed in the non-fault zone, and the method of gob-side entry retaining with bow-shaped flexible shield support + anchor net cable + gangue cemented filling combined support is proposed in the fault zone. The field engineering practice shows that the method is rigid and flexible, which has a good supporting and shielding effect on the caving gangue in the goaf, ensures the safety of gob-side entry retaining, and realizes the safe and economic mining without coal pillar in the mine.


